Peel back the layers. Endure the tears to cook it down to the sweetness.
Author: Michael Alan Dorman
Programmer, yogi, guitarist, drummer.
It’s changing the shape of my face
Change is nothing to fear. We practice to become acquainted with the deeper part of us. The unchanging part.
Omnia Mutantur Nihil Interit
Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.
But Change Is
Everything that begins, ends. The sound of OM reminds us of this, asks us to embrace the possibility of transformation.
Here I Go Again
The breath accompanies us, gives us space within which to work, and allows us to let go of that which isn’t serving us.
Saving Grace
Grace isn’t something to hoard, it’s fuel, it’s what gives us the strength to go on when we feel spent. It is our acceptance of the gifts of the universe.
Flying Yoga Demonstration
- Climb to seated shoulders
- Bird on Hands
- Throne > Foot to Hand
- Great Wall I
- Tree Hugger
- Surya Namaskar (3x)
- Partner stretches (w/ Twist)
- Seated spinal twist
- Sukhasana with Backbend
- Mini Back Pack
- Shoulder opener
- Spotting is essential
- Listo, Si, Hep
- Bird
- High-flying Whale
- Double Plank
- Triple Plank
- Double Table
- Downdog traction/levitatin
- Spinal traction
- Driving the bus
- Gentle twist
- Hip Hop
- Brushes
Love, don’t you falter
We cultivate love for this existence, this opportunity, this life.
Free Yoga in the Park
I’m going to be leading the Free Yoga in the Park practice in Durham tomorrow morning.
Their website has details about location and such, though they don’t actually have me on the schedule or anything.
Anyway, come on out and have a nice free class in our beautiful end of summer weather.
This is our moment to be.