
Starting the journey

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” — Lao-Tze

“Watch that first step, it’s a lulu!” — Bugs Bunny

The place where they meet is where we need abhaya–fearlesness. The willingness to take that first step, even though we know the implications are going to be huge.

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Three of a Perfect Pair

Everything must end–this is what gives urgency to life. And yet we still want to respond to this awareness of limited time, rather than react.

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Ocean Size

We have our limited bodies, our limited minds, the limits we experience on peace, joy and connection.

What if we could set aside those constraints? What if we could feel limitless? What if we could be as deep and wide as the ocean?

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Be the beauty you want to see

The thing that is most beautiful in the eyes of others is love. When we love what we do, our every action can be beautiful.

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Upcoming Meditation bookclub and workshop

If you’re in the Triangle area, please join Sommer Sobin and Iat Sfeer Studio, Chapel Hill, NC, for the next four Friday evenings as we lead a workshop centered around Sally Kempton’s Meditation for the Love of It.

See the flyer for details

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Where’s Dharma

“Better to live your own dharma badly than someone else’s perfectly.” But how do you tell what your dharma is?

We come back to the union of feeling and intellect. We recognize and acknowledge our feelings, then we examine them, and over time we discern where they lead us.

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