
Free Yoga in the Park

I’m going to be leading the Free Yoga in the Park practice in Durham tomorrow morning.

Their website has details about location and such, though they don’t actually have me on the schedule or anything.

Anyway, come on out and have a nice free class in our beautiful end of summer weather.

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Happy New Year

Make a change. Invite something into your life you’ve felt you’ve been lacking.

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Brighten Black Friday

It’s funny, though perhaps appropriate, that this day—a day so focussed on commerce—is juxtaposed with Thanksgiving, a day focussed on gratitude.

Gratitude is the payment we give for those things that can’t be purchased with money; the things we didn’t ask for and can never repay. Those things that are intangible and yet so important.

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The choice is yours and don’t be late

Endorphins are only part of the story. Each time we make a choice we draw our consciousness in a particular direction. When we make a dedicated practice of getting on the yoga mat, of choosing something positive, our outlook changes. We are using the power of consciousness to reshape ourselves.

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Special “Black Friday” class

Please join me from 2-4 pm on Friday, 11/25, for “Brighten Black Friday.” at InsideOut Body Therapies, Durham, NC.

This two-hour class will combine a nice warming flow–to burn off any feasting one might have done the day before–with some deep work to find respite from the tension that holidays sometimes bring.

Appropriate for anyone with some yoga experience.

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