We can’t be available to others when we’re not strong enough to serve ourselves.
Tag: Yoga for Strength and Flexibility I
Peace like a river
The mighty Mississippi starts as a trickle that you can walk across, but becomes powerful and unstoppable as it flows.
We have to keep ourselves from being diverted and misdirected to find our own power.
The practice shifts us. There’s no magic, just the choice to change.
And so we return and begin again
The nature of practice is that it shows its effects over time. We must take the time to let it mold us.
But Change Is
Everything that begins, ends. The sound of OM reminds us of this, asks us to embrace the possibility of transformation.
This is our moment to be.
Make me one with everything
We are connected. We are bound. We are entangled. We should embrace this.
How am I not myself?
Who sits behind our eyes?
Surf’s Up!
You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.
The physics of the yoga practice
To have a more dedicated yoga practice, we have two choices: we can do the practice in isolated spaces for short periods of time and try to amp those moments up, or we can let the practice start to permeate everything. Which do we think will be more effective?