
Here comes the sun

The sun is always shining somewhere. Most importantly, it’s shining within us, always.

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Hearts and Bones

Some things give you an experience of your deepest inner truth–the knowledge of what you really are. Not just a limited being, but an inextricable part of the fabric of the universe

It is our ability to open to this experience that is ananda. It is beyond joy and sorrow.

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Stranger in a Strange Land

I once read that in Japanese, all the words for ‘thank you’ translate more literally as ‘resentment’. This appealed to my cynical, 20-year-old self–it’s a way to acknowledge a debt we didn’t ask for, like someone holding the door for us.

More powerful is to recognize that our gratitude is the payment, whether for someone holding the door for us, or each sunrise we get to see, for each moment we get to spend with our loved ones.

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Brighten Black Friday

It’s funny, though perhaps appropriate, that this day—a day so focussed on commerce—is juxtaposed with Thanksgiving, a day focussed on gratitude.

Gratitude is the payment we give for those things that can’t be purchased with money; the things we didn’t ask for and can never repay. Those things that are intangible and yet so important.

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“If you think you are enlightened, go spend a week with your parents.” — Ram Dass

We want Thanksgiving to be a time of gratitude, but first we have to let go of all the things that obscure it.

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What is bliss?

Ignorance or marriage, apparently. If we eliminate ignorance, as being incompatible with sat and chit, that leaves marriage.

Marriage isn’t about always being chipper and happy. Marriage is about being in a relationship that is so strong it allows you to see yourself reflected in it, clearly.

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I Won’t Hold You Back

More than anything else, our ideas are our limitations. If you never try something, you can never do it. Let your time on the yoga mat encourage you to try something.

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Back in the day, Public Enemy released an album, It Takes A Nation of Millions to Told Us Back.

For most of us, all it takes is ourselves.

Let go of the ways that you are holding yourself down.

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It’s just a question of eliminating obstacles

The things that hold us back are the parts of us that are not conscious. To bring consciousness to them is not a battle to be fought, a war to be won. To bring consciousness to them is a gift we can give ourselves, to let go of those things we no longer need.

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The choice is yours and don’t be late

Endorphins are only part of the story. Each time we make a choice we draw our consciousness in a particular direction. When we make a dedicated practice of getting on the yoga mat, of choosing something positive, our outlook changes. We are using the power of consciousness to reshape ourselves.

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