Anything other than now is imagination or memory. Can you hold onto this one thing that is real and concrete?
Tag: Yoga for Strength and Flexibility I
The Final Frontier
Find the space in your body and in your life—the places where you can breathe easily.
Niralambaya Shantaya
We don’t need anything else to find this place of peace.
Om Namah Shivaya Gurave
We may be helped along the path by those without, but the truest guide is the one within.
Back down to earth again
The experience of yoga is about inhabiting here and now so completely that you can see the magnificence of the experience.
Being There
What we bring to our lives defines them.
Be of service to yourself
Let your life be in service of becoming expansive.
What is and what should never be
We can determine our experience. We can choose openness and happiness.
Shine a Light
In all the hurry and fuss, it’s easy to lose track of yourself. Always remember that you can shine.
Taking the wide view
Shiva Drishti is the cultivation of the ability to see the auspicious in any moment, however challenging.