Yoga is a tool to remind us that inquiry is never finished—we never know everything. We seek truth from moment to moment, observing as it unfolds.
Category: Sequence
True to this
Truth is an inquiry. The search for truth must always admit doubt. It must always refine its focus to understand its source.
A principle proportion
Remember your relationship with yourself is your model for all others. Don’t hurt yourself.
Respect yourself
Yoga is a tool to help us see more clearly. This starts with ourselves, and recognizing our capacity for harming ourselves.
50 Ways to Leave Your Lover
How do you distinguish change from harm? Can we look upon the thing we are stepping away from with love, or not?
Silent all these years
A defector from the petty wars
Enjoy the silence
Life shouldn’t always be about effort, schedules, accomplishment. Reflection provides us with an opportunity to appreciate where we are.
Silence is golden
It’s alright if we have moments that are a rest between activities, a pause between conversations.
Now I’m returning to myself
+10 | Cat & Cow, Ardha Surya Namaskar, Regular, Anjaneyasana > Parivrtta Parsvakonasana |
+25 | Virabhadrasana II, Parsvakonasana > Trikonasana, Utthan Pristhana |
+40 | Ardha Adho Mukha Svanasana, Eka Pada Galavasana, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana |
+55 | Bakasana, Shalabhasana, Fingertip Bhujangasana |
+65 | Agnistambhasana, Ardha Matseyandrasana, Omega, Jathara Parivartanasana |
Tipping on a tightrope
+5 | Cat & Dog, Ardha Surya Namaskar, Regular |
+20 | Anjaneyasana > Parivrtta Parsvakonasana, Virabhadrasana II > Trikonasana > Parsvakonasana |
+35 | Ardha Galavasana, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, Bakasana, Shalabhasana > Fingertip Bhujangasana |
+50 | Ardha Matseyandrasana, Janu Sirsasaana, Omega, Jathara Parivartanasana |