It’s not the outcome, it’s the attempt.
Tag: Yoga for Strength and Flexibility I
Falling in love
Injury can be a powerful teacher because it forces us to fall in love with the process, rather than the results.
How the heart approaches what it yearns
It’s not what we do, it’s how we do it.
I Won’t Hold You Back
More than anything else, our ideas are our limitations. If you never try something, you can never do it. Let your time on the yoga mat encourage you to try something.
Back in the day, Public Enemy released an album, It Takes A Nation of Millions to Told Us Back.
For most of us, all it takes is ourselves.
Let go of the ways that you are holding yourself down.
The power to choose
Most of us feel better, calmer, happier after we get off the yoga mat. The traditional explanation is that the body has gotten a workout and the mind has gotten quieter, etc.
I think there’s also a lot of power in the recognition that we chose to do something that feels good. To recognize that we can make that choice in one circumstance reminds us that we can make it in others as well.
Starting the journey
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” — Lao-Tze
“Watch that first step, it’s a lulu!” — Bugs Bunny
The place where they meet is where we need abhaya–fearlesness. The willingness to take that first step, even though we know the implications are going to be huge.
Be the beauty you want to see
The thing that is most beautiful in the eyes of others is love. When we love what we do, our every action can be beautiful.