To cultivate an ability to concentrate on one thing provides us with the experience of letting go of the peripheral.
Tag: InsideOut
Stay on target
Anything that brings us to a place of concentration is an aid to the practice.
Don’t forget your ventolin
The breath is so fundamental, it can calm us or disturb us or deplete us or energize us. We want to learn to use it skillfully.
The trick is to keep breathing
The steadiness of the breath reflects the steadiness of the mind. As above, so below.
We are all of us
Befriend the happy, have compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and disregard the wicked.
I’m fixing a hole
Concentrate your energies. Focus your efforts.
Hold the line
Keep to the path. Don’t get nervous about whether someone else is making more progress doing something else.
As Below, So Above
It is easier to be well when we’re well, so we need to treat ourselves as if this is important.
Strength and Service
We can’t be available to others when we’re not strong enough to serve ourselves.
To understand our own truth, we must be challenged.