When we become more sophisticated in our yoga practice, we can start to observe not just what we perceive, but how we perceive it.
Category: Sequence
Refinements: Urdhva Dhanurasana
Opening is not quick business. We have to explore how we want to open, where we want to allow ourselves to expand.
Hot air for a cool breeze
We achieve lightness through a profound sense of the things we can’t see.
Where are we now?
We are in the place we made for ourselves. The things we choose to bring into our lives are what our lives are going to be made of. Choose well.
Yoga is a tool for creating connections. It invites us to cultivate them, engage with them, refine them, and enjoy them without being defined by them.
On the mat, we become more connected to our body, to it’s triumphs and failures, to our expectations and our reality, and we work to observe and enjoy, but not see ourselves as limited to them.
True Colors
The things upon which you focus, the places you bring your attention, this is the shape of the world you make for yourself. If you choose sadness and bondage, you will have it. If you choose happiness and freedom, you will have that, too.
Digging in the dirt
Every pose needs to grow out of a place of stability—if we feel insecure or unsupported, we can’t be free in the pose.
This goes double for inversions.
Approaching silence
From a place of stillness, we can see more clearly how to work most skillfully with the world.
Let the right one in
Humans are good with patterns. We see what we are attuned to see. We use the power of sankalpa, of articulating what we desire for ourselves, of making it manifest, to help us see what we already had.
Repeat until Death
What do you love so much you would take as your only instruction, “Repeat until Death”?