My shadow played a bass clarinet
Tag: Yoga for Strength and Flexibility I
The sleep of the just after
That we can know we were sleeping suggests that there’s something in us that is beyond sleep.
Telling stories
Narrative can be a useful tool; it can help us see patterns, help us explore experience, help us forge connections. But it also has the power to overwhelm reality.
We each have our unique quality, but our human experience will always hold much in common.
+10 | Anjaneyasana, Virabhadrasana I Lunge (with block under knee almost twist), Parivrtta Parsvakonasana |
+25 | Parsvakonasana > Trikonasana, Ardha Vasisthasana (as psoas stretch), Navasana > Ardha Navasana, Eka Pada Bhujasana |
+40 | Lunge (at wall), Adho Mukha Vrksasana, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Block under knee, Turn toward knee) |
+55 | Shalabhasana (Hands on hips individual legs), Setubandhasana (Asymmetrical block), Gomukhasana > Ardha Matseyandrasana |
+70 | Janu Sirsasana, Omega, Dwi Pada Yogidandasana, Shavasana |
The courage to be right
Being courageous in our convictions means keeping them even when we cannot reshape the world to reflect them.
It’s a thin line
Working at home presents you with the maximum amount of distraction. And yet it also provides you with the maximum opportunity for focus.
The yoga practice is like treading that balance all day, every day.
Clear as the nose on your face
Letting ourselves be grounded in what is helps us avoid unhappiness: the artificial unhappiness when we imagine things are worse than they are, and the unhappiness when we imagine things are better than they are, and are disappointed.
We are most effective when we are grounded in the real world.
People take pictures of each other
When we reside in the present moment, when we can be still, everything can come into focus.
(Don’t) Use Your Illusion
Can we embrace what is really happening, instead of rejecting it for the seduction of fantasy?