+10 | Partner Stretch, Ardha Surya Namaskar (Parsva Utthanasana), Regular |
+25 | Anjaneyasana, Virabhadrasana II, Utthanasana (Arms w/Partner), Parsvakonasana > Trikonasana > Ardha Chandrasana |
+40 | Pincha Mayurasana, Navasana > Parsva Ardha Navasana, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Regular, Thigh Stretch) |
+55 | Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana (x2), Setubandhasana (> Urdhva Dhanurasana?) |
+70 | Omega, Agnistambhasana, Gomukhasana, Jathara Parivartanasana |
Month: March 2013
Everything, all the time
We are challenged to let our consciousness permeate our whole body.
Walk this way
As we protect ourselves, we set our environment up to allow us to open up to our fullest experience.
The bliss we seek is always present within us. We don’t have to think about it, we don’t have to reason about it, we just have to experience it.
It’s all right here
We have the resources to be sufficient unto ourselves, if only we cultivate it.
After we set aside our unconscious restrictions, we make the choice to engage.
It’s everywhere
Feel the pulse move, but also the moments when it is still.
Ganesh stands in the doorway
There is a place within each transition—though still part of the pulse—where we can find stillness.
Never going back again
When we discover that our true nature is independent and non-contingent, we can never really go back to being ignorant. We can pretend, but never truly forget.
Respect my experience
We should acknowledge and cultivate our personal experience—it is the truest path we can take advantage of.