We are an ocean of experience–only our awareness feels like a tiny drop.
Tag: Yoga for Strength and Flexibility II (Practice)
Learning to Crawl
We can choose how we view the world–at every moment, we must practice choosing over and over again. The good news is that this means we have a lot of opportunity to shift our habits.
+10 | Three-part breath, Regular, Vrksasana > Virabhadrasana I, Parsvottanasana > Utthan Pristhana |
+30 | Uttkatasana, Parivrtta Uttkatasana > Parivrtta Parsvakonasana, Hasta Padangusthasana I > Ardha Chandrasana > Parsvakonasana > Trikonasana |
+50 | Adho Mukha Vrksasana (Backbend), Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Regular, Thigh Stretch), Setubandhasana (Urdhva Dhanurasana), Hanumanasana |
+70 | Agnistambhasana, Ardha Gomukhasana, Supta Padangusthasana, Jathara Parivartanasana, Shavasana |
How am I not myself?
We’re not the mistakes we make, we’re not the successes we have, we are something infinitely more special.
I can see clearly now
It’s not the world around us, or the world inside us, but ourselves and our place that we can see clearly.
Fixing a hole
What would your experience be if you could let go of all distractions?
Attha Yoga Nushasanam
The study of the moment is the practice of Yoga. What is the thing we need at this moment?
Independent and Luminous
Our greater selves depend on nothing1, and shine with an inner light
Being there is 99%
Can we cultivate consistent presence?
Our truest nature
Meet yourself on the field of truth. Have a picnic. Watch the clouds roll by.
Why fight who you really are?