We are immersed; the task is to recognize that in which we are immersed.
Tag: Yoga for Strength and Flexibility II (Practice)
Surrender to the voice inside of yourself that says you can be happy, healthy and at peace.
Song of Myself
To study oneself isn’t narcissism. It’s like finishing a dovetail joint—if we leave the edges rough, the angles askew, things will fit only badly. Where we clean it up, make it a little neater, things can bond, joints can become strong.
Remember though, that nothing adheres to a surface that is perfectly smooth, that has no pores, no ways in.
If I had a tail
Making the choice to transform is to shed your skin when it becomes too restrictive.
I’m going to Graceland
We recognize each step forward as progress. Sometimes we lead, sometimes we follow, but we keep walking.
The way you do the things you do
Taking opiates after you’ve had surgery is not impure. Getting dirty when you’re working in the garden isn’t impure. Impurity isn’t about what we do, so much as the intention behind it.
Letting go is the first step in any transformation.
We want to be seen for what we really are. We should, in turn, see others as they really are, with compassion and understanding.
+10 | Regular, Utthan Pristhana, Parsvakonasana > Prasarita Paddotonasana |
+25 | Akarna Dhanurasana, Dwi Pada Yogidandasana, Supta Padangusthasana (I, II, III), Akarna Dhanurasana, Goddess Pose |
+40 | Malasana, Titibhasana > Bakasana, Astavakrasana > Eka Pada Koundinyasana II |
+55 | Ustrasana > Laguvadrasana, Hanumanasana, Upavistha Konasana |
+70 | Agnistambhasana, Janu Sirsasana (Regular, Parivrtta), Bharadvajasana, Dwi Pada Yogidandasana |
Fulfillingness’ First Finale
Asteya isn’t just about not reachin into another person’s wallet—sometimes we deprive others, or even ourselves, of our true experiences.
True to this
Truth is an inquiry. The search for truth must always admit doubt. It must always refine its focus to understand its source.