When we discover that our true nature is independent and non-contingent, we can never really go back to being ignorant. We can pretend, but never truly forget.
Tag: InsideOut
Respect my experience
We should acknowledge and cultivate our personal experience—it is the truest path we can take advantage of.
Dancing about architecture
We don’t have to think and consider every reaction. Sometimes we can just feel.
The mind is a horse…
…it can take you to the gate, but no further
Free your mind and your ass will follow
To be able to see ourselves as more than our mind, we must step outside.
We can be taken by surprise in the smallest of instants.
How will I know?
There is something we can apprehend that is beyond our rational discernment—when we stop trying to put a name to it, and just experience it, we are most fully in our heart.
Shivering in my shoes
We are shaken, we fall, we get back up.
How does it feel to be back
We are still human, still mortal. We are still drawn back to our experience time and time again. We still practice, though.
Between the forceps and the stone
To see all the parts and the whole at once.