Change is not an ending, it’s just change. Don’t hold too tightly to the past.
Category: Sequence
Letting go is the first step in any transformation.
I can see clearly now
Don’t just be content with seeing the superficial—try to see the depths, try to see in, around and through the world around you.
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+10 | Anjaneyasana, Virabhadrasana I Lunge (with block under knee almost twist), Parivrtta Parsvakonasana |
+25 | Parsvakonasana > Trikonasana, Ardha Vasisthasana (as psoas stretch), Navasana > Ardha Navasana, Eka Pada Bhujasana |
+40 | Lunge (at wall), Adho Mukha Vrksasana, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Block under knee, Turn toward knee) |
+55 | Shalabhasana (Hands on hips individual legs), Setubandhasana (Asymmetrical block), Gomukhasana > Ardha Matseyandrasana |
+70 | Janu Sirsasana, Omega, Dwi Pada Yogidandasana, Shavasana |
Everything all the time
To cultivate a godlike interaction with the world is to see everything around you, not in a limited way, but all aspects, all sides.
Gazing at you, I get the heat
Can we hold others in such regard that we see the beauty in each?
We want to be seen for what we really are. We should, in turn, see others as they really are, with compassion and understanding.
+10 | Regular, Utthan Pristhana, Parsvakonasana > Prasarita Paddotonasana |
+25 | Akarna Dhanurasana, Dwi Pada Yogidandasana, Supta Padangusthasana (I, II, III), Akarna Dhanurasana, Goddess Pose |
+40 | Malasana, Titibhasana > Bakasana, Astavakrasana > Eka Pada Koundinyasana II |
+55 | Ustrasana > Laguvadrasana, Hanumanasana, Upavistha Konasana |
+70 | Agnistambhasana, Janu Sirsasana (Regular, Parivrtta), Bharadvajasana, Dwi Pada Yogidandasana |
Mine all mine
Don’t let anyone steal your experience from you.
Owning your experience
Don’t let anyone or anything appropriate your experience.
Fulfillingness’ First Finale
Asteya isn’t just about not reachin into another person’s wallet—sometimes we deprive others, or even ourselves, of our true experiences.
True colors
We should never assume we’ve got it figured out. The universe rarely reveals itself all in one go; give the truth time to reveal itself.