Tag: Sutra 1.2

  • yogaś citta vṛtti nirodhaḥ

    “Yoga is the stilling of the fluctuations of the mind”

    Why inhabit the present moment? To begin to let go of our fantasies and see the world as it truly is.

    For me, this isn’t the stopping of thought. Certainly some schools of yoga encourage this–an attempt to step away from the world entirely, to transcend and escape it. But few of us have the luxury or the calling to step out of the world. Instead, we have to find our practice alongside the everyday aspects of our life.

    Rather, for us, it is the cultivation of a clear focus on the present moment, and what it demands of us, and the ability to step beyond what we fantasize and do what is truly within our capacity.

  • (Don’t) Use Your Illusion

    Can we embrace what is really happening, instead of rejecting it for the seduction of fantasy?


  • Fixing a hole

    What would your experience be if you could let go of all distractions?
