We reason, we consider, we delight, we are.
Minute by Minute
Yoga asks us to stay in the picture, to keep our focus on the moment. We know that the past is done, and the future will unfold itself. We learn to be still and present and responsive.
Born Under Punches
Life is always moving on. Our challenge is to roll with it gracefully.
* Remember: Next week is last week of session. No classes on Wednesday. Classes at CyCo will start on July 10.
People taking pictures
I’m not much of a picture taker. I get far too involved in the moment to remember I have a camera. When we are in a state of vairagya, we are so present that there is no desire, we simply are. Yoga is the process of creating and refining this capacity for stillness.
Just keep me moving
The yoga practice is always one of becoming. No pose lasts forever, for which we are thankful.
The Letting Go
We don’t mourn each pose as we move out of it. We don’t mourn each breath that passes. Why should we mourn the less important things.
Your mission, if you choose to accept it…
The first step is making a choice. The second step is making a choice. Choosing is the process.