Our fears, our habits, they all deny us real choice, they all strip us of our independence, our freedom.
But it’s the rhetoric of failure
Failure is where we can grow
We won’t know the actual if we never take the chance
We have to commit ourselves to the attempt.
It keeps you running
Maybe we should try satisfaction sometime?
Many things is on my mind, words in the way
Sometimes you don’t have to be articulate, you just have to pay attention
So, who are you?
What defines you? What refines you?
In a thousand different ways
Our experience affects us in a multitude of ways. Can we be present for all of them?
Into the Woods
Perhaps we can find ourselves more easily in the tumult and stirring of everyday life?
This is a chance
To dance your way
Out of your constrictions -
Here’s a time to shout
Give yourself what you need Sing a song, it'll make your day
+10 Partner Stretch, Indudulasana > Regular, Ardha Hasta Padangusthasana > Twist, Ardha Eka Pada Galvasana > Anjaneyasana +25 Vrksasana > Parivrtta Parsvakonasana, Ardha Chandrasana > Trikonasana, Parsvakonasana > Ardha Chandrasana > Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana +40 Hanumanasana (Wall), Prasarita Paddotonasana (Twist, Jumping), Adho Mukha Vrksasana +55 Eka Pada Rajakapotasana II (Thigh Stretch), Eka Pada Rajakapotasana (Regular, Thigh Stretch), Agnistambhasana (Regular, Twist) +70 Janu Sirsasana (Regular, Parivrtta), Omega, Jathara Parivartanasana