We don’t have anything to prove—it’s always OK to accept a little help.
Inside out and round and round
Living inside our heads is like the hamster in the wheel.
The stream of warm impermanence
Nothing stands still. We have to support ourselves.
You get up and sleep
Don’t go through your day unconscious.
Standing at tension
How do we balance between engagement and tension.
Sing a simple song
Simplicity leads us to ease.
Standing on the Verge
With just a little bit of effort.
Whatever makes you happy, whatever you want
We have the freedom to do the things that support us.
Old friends
We’re going to have our body for a long time; the important thing is to care for it.
+5 Reclining breath, Reclining Garudasana Arms, Windshield Wipers, Cat & Cow, Regular (Indudulasana), Anjaneyasana +20 Virabhadrasana II, Ardha Hanumanasana > Parighasana, Parivrtta Adho Mukha Svanasana > Vasisthasana +35 Parsvakonasana > Trikonasana, Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, Anjaneyasana (Thigh Stretch) +50 Purvottanasana, Ab work on blanket, Ustrasana, Agnistambhasana +65 Omega, Supta Padangusthasana (I, II), Jathara Parivartanasana -
Dharma Bums
No, no. Now, you listen to me. When you first came to us, we thought people would come and take you away because, when they found out, you know, the things you could do… and that worried us a lot. But then a man gets older, and he starts thinking differently and things get very clear. And one thing I do know, son, and that is you are here for a reason. I don’t know whose reason, or whatever the reason is… Maybe it’s because… uh… I don’t know. But I do know one thing. It’s not to score touchdowns. Huh?