Intended for Friday, but you can really do it any day you need some hip-opening.
Reclining breathing
Reclining, knees up, take 10 breaths.
Cat & Dog flow
Table Extensions and Contractions
From table, stretch pleasing combinations of limbs out while keeping the shoulders and hips level. Round back and draw knees in, perhaps using the opposite hand to assist.
Fire Hydrant
From table, take the knee to the side, keeping the hips level.
Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Stretch it out a bit
Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar)
- Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
- Forward Fold (Utthanasana)
- Half forward fold (Ardha Utthanasana)
- Lunge
- Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
- Plank (Palankasana)
- Lower down (Chaturanga)
- Cobra (Bhujangasana)
- Downward Dog
- Lunge (Second Side)
- Forward Fold (Utthanasana)
- Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Lunge with back knee down, front knee forward (Anjaneyasana)
Keep fingers on the ground initially, then bring torso upright and hands to hips.
Downward Dog with Twist (Parivrtta Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Lift one leg, bend the knee, stack the hip on top of the other as you stretch your toes towards your opposite shoulder.
Lunge with Lizard (Utthan Pristhana) Bonus
Starting with the knee down, take the forearms down to the inside of the front foot. Perhaps lift the back knee.
Standing Poses
Try to hold these few several breaths on each side.
Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II)
Side-angle pose (Parsvakonasana)
Forearm to the front thigh, or hand to the floor.
Goddess Pose
Feet wide and knees and feet turned out, the lower you let your hips go, the more work it will be.
Standing #4 pose (Ardha Galavasana)
Cross one ankle over the other knee, the lower the hips get, the greater the opening
Hip Opening
Pigeon Prep (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
Pigeon Prep with Thigh Stretch Bonus
Torso upright, use the same hand to draw the back foot toward its outer hip.
Pigeon Prep with Thigh Stretch and twist Double Bonus
Torso upright, use the opposite hand to draw the back foot toward its outer hip.
Fire-logs (Agnistambhasana)
Cow-face pose (Gomukhasana)
Stack the knees in line with one another, take the shins forward to intensify.
Heron’s Pose (Krounchasana)
Stretch one leg straight out, use a strap or both hands to hold the other foot as you raise it into the air and then straighten the leg.
Revolved Heron’s Pose (Parivrrta Krounchasana)
Hold the raised foot with the opposite hand and twist
Baby Cradle
Stretch one leg straight, draw the other knee back, then swing the foot toward the heart.
Sundial pose (Surya Yantrasana) Bonus
Stretch one leg straight, take the other leg behind the shoulder, hold the foot with the hand while stretching the foot toward the sky.
Omega (Baddhakonasana variation)
Soles of the feet together, keep length through the spine to maximize opening at the hips.
Wide-legged forward fold (Upavistha Konasana) Bonus
Keep length through the spine to maximize opening at the hips.
Reclined extended leg I (Supta Padangusthasana I)
Use a strap at the ball of the foot to resist as you stretch the leg straight up.
Reclined extended leg II (Supta Padangusthasana II)
Use a strap at the ball of the foot to resist as you stretch the leg to the side.
Supine twist (Jathara Parivartanasana)
Happy Baby (Dwi Pada Yogidandasana)
Shavasana or Meditation
Take at least five minutes for Shavasana