by Michael Alan Dorman | 2015-01-07 07:44
Intended for Wednesday, but you can really do it any day you need some backbends.
Reclining, knees up, take 10 breaths.
Remeber to extend the tailbone toward the knees as you lift the hips.
Knees bent, feet on the floor, take the knees first to one side then the other.
Lift the heart up and out of the twist to take it into a small backbend
Lift the heart up and out of the pose while being sure to keep core engaged by extending the tailbone down
Try to hold these few several breaths on each side.
Walk your bottom hand six inches away from the shin, and work toward a backbend.
Reach the same hand back toward the back foot
Reach the opposite hand back toward the back foot. Try to incorporate the twist element from Lunge and the backbend element from Trikonasana
Make sure the knees are in line with the hips, but the feet are wide enough that the heels graze the outer hips.
Stretch the arms alongside the dears, or alongside the body, or Interlace the fingers behind the back, as feels most appropriate. Keep the tops of the feet on the floor.
Same as before, but with the legs lifting as well. Remember to hug them toward the midline.
Try to keep the shoulders back, even though the hands may be forward. Actively stretch the tailbone toward the heels.
Grab the tops of the feet, then stretch the tailbone toward the heels, then try to maintain that as you press the feet into the hands.
If this seems at all sensible, you already know what you’re doing.
Doesn’t that almost make all the backbends worth it?
Twist towards the top foot, perhaps taking the upper arm to the arch of the foot.
Soles of the feet together as you lengthen the spine and fold.
Take at least five minutes for Shavasana
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